
Showing posts from May, 2021

What is NanoHard

This Bill Gates in 2010 admitting he or some pharma interests or illuminati whom he is being coerced by has CO2 driven population control plans via vaccines and reducing fertility sterilisation and possibly abortion.  I'm not vaccinated I've been close to fights in the pub with people who were vaccinated didn't want to know this possible viewpoint for giving them headaches that they may need to do something, I blew fortunes chasing strippers am gullible and know how easy it is to be lied to believing that govenment always has ones best interest at heart. Read Jordans Petersons Recommendation The Gualag Archepeligo  about Stalin single handledly putting millions of his own in concentration camps, one incident in the book a person clapped Stalin for 8 minutes, fell from exhaustion and was thrown in the concentration camps for being a traitor of the State, this book brought down the communist rule in Russia and shows how easy it is for an world to fall for willful blindness as