
Shamanic fairy incidences that happened to me since getting slightly anti Bill Gates

 The window of my ford focus kept coming down indicating bring down windows some error in the CAN bus  in the car I believe faeries. All the windows in my house have cracks under the windows bring down windows I crashed my car outside the old folks home my mother worked at in Jan 15 2023 and had 3750 euro damage done to another car possibly because I didn't stay in the old folks home long enough to take care of problems and I was on moral high ground boasting about how I helped Ugandan orphans something I've since got fed up of as all they will do is dance for me nothing useful for me at least they were thankful for being fed but look after themselves and get their shit together as a country their is little hope, 42 million inside a country rife with aids and everybody banging out babies. I'm still as of 24 september 2023 without a car, I was misbehaving and seem to be being punished. Bill seems to be right about global warming. However I saw grain field

Things wrong with computers languages and android

The c language should have TRUE FALSE NULL and boolean types built in and the operator precedence quirk where the & operator can affect across the == in if statement should be fixed. cython is great. I'm not crazy about java gosling left it behind to go 10000 leageues under the sea some clown decided not to include globals, its un compilable except on gcc and maybe llvm, it's 10 times slower than c, it links very awkardly to it, it is limited to 64 bit, it uses longs ints instead of linux u32 for unsigned 32 bit s64 for signed 64 bit , the c language should do this and take the best of the rust language let different syntax rust rust in peace, there should be a pragma big and little endian in c structures so endianness of hardware can be dealt with transparently in drivers, it doesn't link to assembly, it's garbage collection i have no control over and long running programs get unstable, it got popular because it was bloated and cross platform dealing with processor

A new player in the gui wars

 watch this ar demo first to see what Facebook Qualcomm and Ultraleap are upto with a 5g virtual reality headset it's awesome but i wouldn't reccommend walking the street as a borg as you will be pickpocketed and beaten up for being detached from reality looking at others profiles on facebook as they pass on the street showing by real time wifi gps connection and showing blog business cards  with all social media links and info you wish to share in realtime. This demo is written in a game engine called unreal. However there is code cross platform based on the opengl 3d standard with menus and can do this. Blender and its as good as the best on linux QT but may need design tools. Linux you got the best windowing system in the world now.  I cant use blender despite spending 100 hours using it because they are too many keys for my brain. have a look at cpython blenders internal api is python cpython is compiled to c and 100 times faster when they make a blender library for games u

What is NanoHard

For starters see this for how much bill gates and fauci bankrupted america recommending covid vaccines and causing side effects like heart attacks in young vaccinated This Bill Gates in 2010 admitting he or some pharma interests or illuminati whom he is being coerced by has CO2 driven population control plans via vaccines and reducing fertility sterilisation and possibly abortion.  I'm not vaccinated I've been close to fights in the pub with people who were vaccinated didn't want to know this possible viewpoint for giving them headaches that they may need to do something, I blew fortunes chasing strippers am gullible and know how easy it is to be lied to believing that govenment always has ones best interest at heart. Read Jordans Petersons Recommendation The Gualag Archepeligo  about Stalin single handledly putting millions of his own in concentration camps, one incident in the book a person clapped Stalin for 8 minutes, fell from exhausti