Shamanic fairy incidences that happened to me since getting slightly anti Bill Gates

 The window of my ford focus kept coming down indicating bring down windows some error in the CAN bus  in the car I believe faeries.

All the windows in my house have cracks under the windows bring down windows

I crashed my car outside the old folks home my mother worked at in Jan 15 2023 and had 3750 euro damage done to another car possibly because I didn't stay in the old folks home long enough to take care of problems and I was on moral high ground boasting about how I helped Ugandan orphans something I've since got fed up of as all they will do is dance for me nothing useful for me at least they were thankful for being fed but look after themselves and get their shit together as a country their is little hope, 42 million inside a country rife with aids and everybody banging out babies.

I'm still as of 24 september 2023 without a car, I was misbehaving and seem to be being punished.

Bill seems to be right about global warming.

However I saw grain fields looking rotten and grain coming from them a reminder of roundup and genetic sterilization of seeds from Bill Gates, if India and the likes of Verandar Shiva didn't know what they were doing Bill India would starve. This was a fairy experience I was high and uncomfortable with it.

I also noticed too many big cars on the road the dream of Leo Veradkar, nobody seeemed to be doing anything except driving around also fields full of straw bales and McHale round balers filling the road a fire hazard of straw. This was a fairy experience, I was high and uncomfortable with it.

I also witnessed thousands of men fighting with rotten tomatoes on euronews what I seem to be doing with my family. And what seemed to be my nephew leading a disco in purgatory it was scary. This was a fairy experience, I was high and uncomfortable with it.


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